Wednesday, 30 March 2011
thanks everyone!!!!!
Everyone thanks for looking on my blog because i have now 322 from united kingdom 99 usa and lots more
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
everyone i might be getting a new poster for this blog but i might not only 2 more weeks to the blockbuster
Saturday, 26 March 2011
me and connor again
hi can you see me parachuting everyone il make about 5 new polls including-
- "do you have the parachute on panfu?"
Thursday, 24 March 2011
club penguin helps japan
hey everyone today this is not about panfu but another game called clubpenguin anyway did you know on club penguin we are saving japan by the holy spirit's powers and theres a party named coins for change and with theese money we have in clubpenguin we can give them to japan thats kind to do that!!!
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Short Blockbuster (Counts as blockbuster 1 & 1/4!)
Me and liam are trying to make this twice the size of the original Blockbuster!
Here is topic 1!
Topic 1: Me having fun on Computer
Website Hack/Edit using Legal Javascript code-
Here are some website Hack/Edits. They are not done on paint though. i did it using a Javascript code (Perfectly LEGAL) Anyway, Its free, But im afraid it doesnt save! Its quite cool, But the next time you refresh the page you edit, The page is back to its original state!
Hack/edit 1=Email Hack (on that one i have 99,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 emails. Picture-
Hack/edit 2=Liams Blog Stat's Hack/Edit-This is where i change the all-time views to 5,000,000,000. Picture-
Hack/Edit 3=Max and Ella's Blog hack/edit- on this one i change the Post text and the pages text
Part #2- Email addresses (Panfublog2010liam2's emails)
Main Admin Email-Belongs to me:
Main Admin Email-Belongs to Liam: Moderator Email
Panfu Coins service:
***Feature Coming soon***:
(Note:Im controlling the Main Moderator email address at the moment until we get the Moderators.. More soon!)
Blog Question Service- ***Coming Soon!***
SHORT TOPIC: Comments!
Thanks for the 10-15 comments that people have commented. Keep commenting please!
Panfublog2011 Competitions-Part 1.
Yup, I have competitions on my blog and this blog!
One of the main competition blogs where i keep you informed is
There are hidden codes hidden ALL around that blog! If You have entered the competitions, And you want Vote points, Head over to !
Its great for if you entered a Panfublog2011 Competition!
***Update 23rd March 2011***
Great, AndrewJr-Boy has won a CP card code, about 6000 penguin coins, 1.000.000 PANDACOINS!, and special emails!
Anyways, back to the topic.
Competitions are EASY to enter.
The New Competition starting TODAY (23RD MARCH), IS WHERE SONIA, ANDREW, PAUL, AND SARAH try and beat each other finding points. the person with the most points in a few days wins A FREE CP CARD CODE AND A CP COIN CODE!
Hey, Look at this!
It makes me look like I'm a computer genius. It makes me look like i'm a hacker also!
Well ill give you a TUTORIAL ON HOW TO DO IT!
1.) Go onto Google (With Instant OFF)
2.) Put in the box EXACTLY THIS. xx-hacker
3.) Press I'M feeling lucky.

Note:that code doesnt work. it was activated by me.
That was after i clicked done...
i decided that i was going to choose Unlock 6 new card-jitsu cards!
3 POWER CARDS! Cool eh?
In a normal code (Not gold), You get just 1 Power card!
Here is the Octopus power Card's POWER:
That Power is where water fills the screen and it drowns the other penguin and then the octopus chases after them.
Also note: The golden card code`s value is around about £18 or about $36!
Thanks and thats all for now!
Please also remember: about 4 weeks and me and liam will make a brand new blockbuster and join the blockbusters up to now onto that blockbuster, So it will be like 4 times the size of the first blockbuster!
Me and liam are trying to make this twice the size of the original Blockbuster!
Here is topic 1!
Topic 1: Me having fun on Computer
Website Hack/Edit using Legal Javascript code-
Here are some website Hack/Edits. They are not done on paint though. i did it using a Javascript code (Perfectly LEGAL) Anyway, Its free, But im afraid it doesnt save! Its quite cool, But the next time you refresh the page you edit, The page is back to its original state!

Hack/Edit 3=Max and Ella's Blog hack/edit- on this one i change the Post text and the pages text
Part #2- Email addresses (Panfublog2010liam2's emails)
Main Admin Email-Belongs to me:
Main Admin Email-Belongs to Liam: Moderator Email
Panfu Coins service:
***Feature Coming soon***:
(Note:Im controlling the Main Moderator email address at the moment until we get the Moderators.. More soon!)
Blog Question Service- ***Coming Soon!***
SHORT TOPIC: Comments!
Thanks for the 10-15 comments that people have commented. Keep commenting please!
Panfublog2011 Competitions-Part 1.
Yup, I have competitions on my blog and this blog!
One of the main competition blogs where i keep you informed is
There are hidden codes hidden ALL around that blog! If You have entered the competitions, And you want Vote points, Head over to !
Its great for if you entered a Panfublog2011 Competition!
***Update 23rd March 2011***
Great, AndrewJr-Boy has won a CP card code, about 6000 penguin coins, 1.000.000 PANDACOINS!, and special emails!
Anyways, back to the topic.
Competitions are EASY to enter.
The New Competition starting TODAY (23RD MARCH), IS WHERE SONIA, ANDREW, PAUL, AND SARAH try and beat each other finding points. the person with the most points in a few days wins A FREE CP CARD CODE AND A CP COIN CODE!
Hey, Look at this!
It makes me look like I'm a computer genius. It makes me look like i'm a hacker also!
Well ill give you a TUTORIAL ON HOW TO DO IT!
1.) Go onto Google (With Instant OFF)
2.) Put in the box EXACTLY THIS. xx-hacker
3.) Press I'M feeling lucky.
After you press I'M feeling lucky after you type xx-hacker
in, then the screen will come on.
For another trick, Reset google back to normal!
To do that,
1.Type xx-bork
in the box
2.Press Im feeling lucky
3.VOILA! (Haha, just these hacks are cool. Please note:This IS LEGAL and the hacks dont save!
New News! 19:11PM GMT UK TIME 23RD MARCH 2011
That was after i clicked done...
i decided that i was going to choose Unlock 6 new card-jitsu cards!
3 POWER CARDS! Cool eh?
In a normal code (Not gold), You get just 1 Power card!
Here is the Octopus power Card's POWER:
That Power is where water fills the screen and it drowns the other penguin and then the octopus chases after them.
Also note: The golden card code`s value is around about £18 or about $36!
Thanks and thats all for now!
Please also remember: about 4 weeks and me and liam will make a brand new blockbuster and join the blockbusters up to now onto that blockbuster, So it will be like 4 times the size of the first blockbuster!
Ive started the blockbuster with Liam! More soon......
Ive started the blockbuster with Liam! More soon......
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
club penguin party!!!!!!!!!!
Hi everyone for now on me and connor will be posting cp pictures and panfu pictures
change off time
me and connor are going to make the blockbuster for some more weeks so now me and connor have added on 4 more weeks to make post the blockbuster
Friday, 11 March 2011
Wow, Ok
First (And probably last) Free giveaway code.
Cp Membership code, 12 Month- 2735274619873336
Who will be the first to get it??? Anyway, GOOD LUCK!
PS:If i have anymore of these give away codes ill just hide or scatter them about, Not do votes for them!
Someone called just emailed me-About 10 minutes after i posted this, and said that they found it!
They are probably on cp now!
Oh and everyone. Please note,This may be my last giveaway code! Well i still gave a 12 month code- IM NOW AFRAID i wont put anymore codes (Maybe 1x1 month one) because i spent most of my Birthday money!
First (And probably last) Free giveaway code.
Cp Membership code, 12 Month- 2735274619873336
Who will be the first to get it??? Anyway, GOOD LUCK!
PS:If i have anymore of these give away codes ill just hide or scatter them about, Not do votes for them!
Someone called just emailed me-About 10 minutes after i posted this, and said that they found it!
They are probably on cp now!
Oh and everyone. Please note,This may be my last giveaway code! Well i still gave a 12 month code- IM NOW AFRAID i wont put anymore codes (Maybe 1x1 month one) because i spent most of my Birthday money!
Im A Moderator+Panfu And CP Parties
Im The Main Moderator of this blog
i decide the comments that STAY or get deleted
My email is if you want to contact me!
Obviously Liam ( and Connor ( are the Bosses of this blog (Liam is the First boss) And im just a moderator!
Please remember to comment and Be a follower
PS:Liam might put on a party if he gets on enough comments
Day:Tommorrow (12th of march 2011)
Time:17:00GMT uk time
Place:Beach--->Then To liams tree, Your tree ETC
Club Penguin:
Day:Tommorrow (12th March 2011)
Server:Down Under
Time:15:00GMT UK TIME
Place:EPF Command Room (If Not, Then the ski village-Try both at the time
All invited, Please come!
Other Servers/Virtual worlds may vary and other parties on the 19th of March 2011 (Like AnimalJam Parties,More cp parties Etc.)
Main Blog Moderator (Connor & Liam are the Proper Moderators, Im one of the main ones)
Obviously Liam ( and Connor ( are the Bosses of this blog (Liam is the First boss) And im just a moderator!
Please remember to comment and Be a follower
PS:Liam might put on a party if he gets on enough comments
Day:Tommorrow (12th of march 2011)
Time:17:00GMT uk time
Place:Beach--->Then To liams tree, Your tree ETC
Club Penguin:
Day:Tommorrow (12th March 2011)
Server:Down Under
Time:15:00GMT UK TIME
Place:EPF Command Room (If Not, Then the ski village-Try both at the time
All invited, Please come!
Other Servers/Virtual worlds may vary and other parties on the 19th of March 2011 (Like AnimalJam Parties,More cp parties Etc.)
Main Blog Moderator (Connor & Liam are the Proper Moderators, Im one of the main ones)
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
Title Alert!
Me and connor have decided to change it
Because of the Simple reason: It was Panfu '2'! Why wasnt it Just Panfu? Oh well, Problem Resolved
Any Questions or ideas to improve this blog, Email (Admin Email Response estimate:24-48 Hours)
Or email liam at and get a 2-4 day Reply
For the FASTEST UNDER 24 HOUR REPLY EMAIL email and/or !!!!!!!!! (If You Email you need to comment and tell me!
Obviously i dont go on my Laptop much!
Also me and connor are still writing and saving the drafts for the second main blockbuster. remember at the moment their is 3 or 4 weeks left.
1.) Yeah We are and
2.) You spelt Their wrong
No problemo, anyway,
Me and liam have to go now, Well liam does. We cant be writing anymore because Liam's Mam is picking liam up from our Nanas!
Bye i gotta go before my mam shouts at me
And im going to publish this post before shutting down my laptop! :)
Connor and Liam
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
blockbuster 2&a half
hello every one its me again liam right on with the blockbuster right everyone you know about the blockbuster so far but now this is going to be longer than blockbuster part 1 because me and connor will be saving the blockbuster as a draft for a hole three weeks and in three weeks on saturday we will be posting it and it will be bigger than a book off tree furniture and panda styles to wear all together and please comment if you want anything in the blockbuster like infomation about panfu or how to finish all the quests because ive done everysingle one so everyone remember to check out connors blog
And remeber three weeks but me,connor,thomas,other thomas and sonia still will be posting other things about panfu.
And remeber three weeks but me,connor,thomas,other thomas and sonia still will be posting other things about panfu.
Saturday, 5 March 2011
Block Buster part 2
earlier me and connor were talking about the blockbuster and everything about it.Were going to be putting cubes off me and connor and different background and writing and i mentioned max and Ella might be posting on my blog and i already have panfu Paul posting on my blog guess who he is the real Paul who was asleep that is him but he made a real panda and he got the same clothes as when he was on the mountain that's him im his best friend ever he said. end off part 2 in part 3 there will be loads off pictures off me connor Sonia Thomas Paul and might max and Ella.
Me and Connor are going to be telling loads off infomation about panfu
First Topic: Panfu Information and Releasing Dates.
Ill start first. the two founders of Young Internet, Kay Kuhne and Moritz Hohl, started Panfu in December 2007. Panfu is a mix of the words "panda" and the Chinese word for happiness, “fu“. In June 2009 the website had 10 million users worldwide and became the biggest children's virtual world in Europe (woah-It overruns CP in Europe I bet).. In the meantime, according to the owners, the amount of users has grown to 15 million and the service has been translated to 12 languages. Bloggers Max and Ella Post on The most popular Panfu blog ever. Goldpandas can Buy Bolly's and Pokopets, Drive a car and Ride a horse.The Only possible way (Up to now) to get 1 wooby is to Buy the goldpackage for 6 month. You get 2 free Woobies if you Buy the goldpackage for 1 year (£30). It costs more in The US.
thats the end for now
New Topic: Read More to see.
Also click read more to see more than 3+topics
First Topic: Panfu Information and Releasing Dates.
Ill start first. the two founders of Young Internet, Kay Kuhne and Moritz Hohl, started Panfu in December 2007. Panfu is a mix of the words "panda" and the Chinese word for happiness, “fu“. In June 2009 the website had 10 million users worldwide and became the biggest children's virtual world in Europe (woah-It overruns CP in Europe I bet).. In the meantime, according to the owners, the amount of users has grown to 15 million and the service has been translated to 12 languages. Bloggers Max and Ella Post on The most popular Panfu blog ever. Goldpandas can Buy Bolly's and Pokopets, Drive a car and Ride a horse.The Only possible way (Up to now) to get 1 wooby is to Buy the goldpackage for 6 month. You get 2 free Woobies if you Buy the goldpackage for 1 year (£30). It costs more in The US.
Release Dates (And Countries)
Germany:December 2007
France:February 2008
Spain:February 2008
Netherlands:February 2008
Poland:April 2008
United Kingdom:April 2008
Sweden:July 2008
Norway:July 2008
Finland:July 2008
Denmark:July 2008
Turkey:October 2010
Thanks for Wikipedia for them release dates!
New Topic: Games
There are loads of Games in Panfu. Some are educational, Most educational Games are in the underwater school (Snail Race,Crazy Numbers,Map Challenge Etc.)
There are The games in;
Swimming Pool;: Bolly Hop,Ping Pong
Swimming Pool-Kiosk:Pack and Go
Swimming Pool Kiosk-Bolly Games: Bolly Numbers,Bolly Blocks,Bolly Light,Bolly Soccer, Bolly Painting,Bolly Tickles
Castle (Outside): Cast Away
Castle (CourtYard); City Runner
Castle Courtyard Disco:Globy
Castle Terrace:4 Boom, Mahjong
Jungle;: Cloud Number Nine, Fish 'N' Fish
Jungle Cave;Magic Maze
Shrink Machine Room:Sintepan
Middle Room:4 Boom
Level Booster Room: No Game
Lake:Funniest Jumper
Pony Yard;Funny Farm
Pony Stable:Happy Horse
Sports Field;Skate Park, Soccer Game
Gym:Hot Boom
Beach;Constructor,Balloon Game
Hospital:No Game
San Franpanfu:
Salon:Make Over
Chez Bruno:Quick Service
CITY (One Of The Most Crowded Place);4 Boom
Ice cream Parlour;Ice Cream Game
Ice Cream Parlour Library: Train Your Brain
Gift Shop:Shopping List
Pet Shop:Bolly Games (Same AS THE GAMES IN THE KIOSK-apart from Pack and go-Thats not there)
Old Harbour:Pop It,Rapido Snake
Swimming Pool;: Bolly Hop,Ping Pong
Swimming Pool-Kiosk:Pack and Go
Swimming Pool Kiosk-Bolly Games: Bolly Numbers,Bolly Blocks,Bolly Light,Bolly Soccer, Bolly Painting,Bolly Tickles
Castle (Outside): Cast Away
Castle (CourtYard); City Runner
Castle Courtyard Disco:Globy
Castle Terrace:4 Boom, Mahjong
Jungle;: Cloud Number Nine, Fish 'N' Fish
Jungle Cave;Magic Maze
Shrink Machine Room:Sintepan
Middle Room:4 Boom
Level Booster Room: No Game
Lake:Funniest Jumper
Pony Yard;Funny Farm
Pony Stable:Happy Horse
Sports Field;Skate Park, Soccer Game
Gym:Hot Boom
Beach;Constructor,Balloon Game
Hospital:No Game
San Franpanfu:
Salon:Make Over
Chez Bruno:Quick Service
CITY (One Of The Most Crowded Place);4 Boom
Ice cream Parlour;Ice Cream Game
Ice Cream Parlour Library: Train Your Brain
Gift Shop:Shopping List
Pet Shop:Bolly Games (Same AS THE GAMES IN THE KIOSK-apart from Pack and go-Thats not there)
Old Harbour:Pop It,Rapido Snake
thats the end for now
New Topic: Read More to see.
Also click read more to see more than 3+topics
seen this
hey liam here here is amanta(freind) connor(cousin) coco585(me) all of us are good freinds.
nearly blockbuster
nearly blockbuster
nearly blockbuster
hi everyone i cant wait till the blockbuster can you comment if you can but you have to be quick or you wont be able to comment
liam and paul became friends forever
hey everyone me and liam are best friends before i didnt know his name is liam i thought his name is coco585 but coco585 is his panda name well we are best friends forever!!!
in Less than hours i will be changing my blog i will be putting pictures off me and connor and believe it or not me and connor is freinds with panfu_paul that is panfu max's cousin i think and pictures of us three all over panfu but in secret places around panfu we will be in evrons castle and underground panfu. have you saw the new post it was item day one day ago me and connor might be posting all night for you and telling you every thing if its booster day because me and connor stay up till about two oclock in the mornig just for you to tell you everything about panfu. hope you like the special post That me and connor will be posting in a couple off postes because that post will be the blockbuster (It will be the longest post on my blog EVER. up to now)
More Excitement and more fun pictures
(Full Boss of this blog)
More Excitement and more fun pictures
(Full Boss of this blog)
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