First Topic: Panfu Information and Releasing Dates.
Ill start first. the two founders of Young Internet, Kay Kuhne and Moritz Hohl, started Panfu in December 2007. Panfu is a mix of the words "panda" and the Chinese word for happiness, “fu“. In June 2009 the website had 10 million users worldwide and became the biggest children's virtual world in Europe (woah-It overruns CP in Europe I bet).. In the meantime, according to the owners, the amount of users has grown to 15 million and the service has been translated to 12 languages. Bloggers Max and Ella Post on The most popular Panfu blog ever. Goldpandas can Buy Bolly's and Pokopets, Drive a car and Ride a horse.The Only possible way (Up to now) to get 1 wooby is to Buy the goldpackage for 6 month. You get 2 free Woobies if you Buy the goldpackage for 1 year (£30). It costs more in The US.
Release Dates (And Countries)
Germany:December 2007
France:February 2008
Spain:February 2008
Netherlands:February 2008
Poland:April 2008
United Kingdom:April 2008
Sweden:July 2008
Norway:July 2008
Finland:July 2008
Denmark:July 2008
Turkey:October 2010
Thanks for Wikipedia for them release dates!
New Topic: Games
There are loads of Games in Panfu. Some are educational, Most educational Games are in the underwater school (Snail Race,Crazy Numbers,Map Challenge Etc.)
There are The games in;
Swimming Pool;: Bolly Hop,Ping Pong
Swimming Pool-Kiosk:Pack and Go
Swimming Pool Kiosk-Bolly Games: Bolly Numbers,Bolly Blocks,Bolly Light,Bolly Soccer, Bolly Painting,Bolly Tickles
Castle (Outside): Cast Away
Castle (CourtYard); City Runner
Castle Courtyard Disco:Globy
Castle Terrace:4 Boom, Mahjong
Jungle;: Cloud Number Nine, Fish 'N' Fish
Jungle Cave;Magic Maze
Shrink Machine Room:Sintepan
Middle Room:4 Boom
Level Booster Room: No Game
Lake:Funniest Jumper
Pony Yard;Funny Farm
Pony Stable:Happy Horse
Sports Field;Skate Park, Soccer Game
Gym:Hot Boom
Beach;Constructor,Balloon Game
Hospital:No Game
San Franpanfu:
Salon:Make Over
Chez Bruno:Quick Service
CITY (One Of The Most Crowded Place);4 Boom
Ice cream Parlour;Ice Cream Game
Ice Cream Parlour Library: Train Your Brain
Gift Shop:Shopping List
Pet Shop:Bolly Games (Same AS THE GAMES IN THE KIOSK-apart from Pack and go-Thats not there)
Old Harbour:Pop It,Rapido Snake
Swimming Pool;: Bolly Hop,Ping Pong
Swimming Pool-Kiosk:Pack and Go
Swimming Pool Kiosk-Bolly Games: Bolly Numbers,Bolly Blocks,Bolly Light,Bolly Soccer, Bolly Painting,Bolly Tickles
Castle (Outside): Cast Away
Castle (CourtYard); City Runner
Castle Courtyard Disco:Globy
Castle Terrace:4 Boom, Mahjong
Jungle;: Cloud Number Nine, Fish 'N' Fish
Jungle Cave;Magic Maze
Shrink Machine Room:Sintepan
Middle Room:4 Boom
Level Booster Room: No Game
Lake:Funniest Jumper
Pony Yard;Funny Farm
Pony Stable:Happy Horse
Sports Field;Skate Park, Soccer Game
Gym:Hot Boom
Beach;Constructor,Balloon Game
Hospital:No Game
San Franpanfu:
Salon:Make Over
Chez Bruno:Quick Service
CITY (One Of The Most Crowded Place);4 Boom
Ice cream Parlour;Ice Cream Game
Ice Cream Parlour Library: Train Your Brain
Gift Shop:Shopping List
Pet Shop:Bolly Games (Same AS THE GAMES IN THE KIOSK-apart from Pack and go-Thats not there)
Old Harbour:Pop It,Rapido Snake
thats the end for now
New Topic: Read More to see.
Also click read more to see more than 3+topics
New Topic: Liams Blog
As You can see,The design is different.
Well me and Liam can now announce that in less than 3 Hours we will change the design COMPLETELY. This blog will be like no Blog any one has seen on Blogger about panfu.
Hopefully This will Boost the Popularity of this blog (Hopefully)
Oh and You may be asking yourself, How is connor and liam posting on the same post?
Well the answer is, Me and Connor are spending the day at Our Nan(a)'s house. We Keep passing Connor's laptop from My knee to his.Then we type something each.
Quick Topic:04/03.2011-Item day

Unfortunately I was too busy to go on panfu yesterday, So i didnt get it
I did though
Ha, Anyway, Back to the Topic Blog and DESIGN!
Soon,Me and Liam will be changing nearlly every thing we can change on this blog!
We have already changed 50-70% of the things but we will make it 100% and add pictures...
ooh i just remembered. me And liam have been adding topics for 7 Days up to now :)
This is the BIGGEST post EVER up to now
Oohh, only less than 05 (Approximately) Topics left.
New Topic:Official Updates
When me and liam edit, or update posts, we will let you know!
If i edit or update posts,I will put ***Edit*** or ***Update*** and what liam does is up to him.Oh and liam can't be typing at the moment, He is On Panfu Doing stuff, Taking Pictures. He is also in a different room to me (In My Nanas)
later we will continue this post
omg! this is amazing!!! how do you find this out!!! keep doing it!!!